Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Zombie Survival Guide Survival Kit

new oil Sannita 2011 Pesco (BN) from 17 to 20 March 2011

from 17 March 2011 to March 20, 2011
Piazza Umberto I
Sannita Pesco (BN)

E 'with great pleasure that I have the honor to invite you to the four-day "Festival Oil and Tradition Peasant "in the hope that you can enter the Peach Sannita heart and can therefore become the destination of so many other days to pass in the nature of the hills del Sannio, in an architectural setting worthy of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
In these four days you will not only visit our area to discover its beauty, but also to know him through the tastes, traditions and hospitality.
The event will take place in the context of a work in promoting the territory as part of this and wants it back.

It 's the center area of \u200b\u200bthe event, and that is why we will bring in our own lands to discover places and ancient customs, games and amusements of yesteryear.
There will be opportunities for discussion to try to shed light on the future of agriculture in general and oil production in particular, a future that inevitably ends up overlapping with that of our communities and our children.
Finally, a program full of events, tastings, conferences, shows that I hope will remain firmly etched in your memory.

Good Oil Festival 2011!
Event Schedule
title: New Olive Festival and the Peasant Tradition
Date: from 17 to 20 March 2011
Hours: 10.00 to 22.00

Location (full address) : Peachtree City Sannita,
Ticket : None. Access to events is free as well as all the tastings.
Phone: 0824 314653 0824 314653 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Mail for information: acli.benevento @ tin.it, @ m.molinara comune.pescosannita.bn.it
Website: http://www.festaolionuovopescosannita.inf or

Source: Tourism Campano


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