November 12, 1981 John Paul II
... The Church, following Christ, seeks the truth, that does not always coincide with the majority opinion ... friends to read full text
... The Church, following Christ, seeks the truth, that does not always coincide with the majority opinion ...
TO RADIO MARIA remarks of Father Livio
"In the hour ... empire of darkness ... "
Dear friends,
the message of the Queen of Peace on October 25 has the tone of a dramatic appeal that does not leave us indifferent, as if things do not concern us directly.
was January 1, 2001 that Madonna did not refer to Satan. Now, however, alludes to his own plan on this earth, which is "to put himself in the place of God." Always the rebel angel wants to take the place of God The novelty lies in the fact that the "Antichrist" empire of darkness is taking place because "the earth is further from God every day." Satan realizes his plan, winning a heart after another, destroying "all that is beautiful and good in the each of you. "
What the Lady complaint before us and what is repeated, without being heard, the Holy Father. The spread of unbelief and immorality, the spread of apostasy in countries with ancient Christianity, the tiepidazza of many Christians, means that Satan's plan to materialize every day.
Our Lady invites us to react, armandoci with the weapons of prayer and fasting, so that Satan's plan is halted. The Madonna does not speak in vain. We do not happen, as the apostles, to fall addormetati empire in the hour of darkness, despite the fact that Jesus urges them to watch and pray.
Your Father Livio.
The Church is not meeting human, born from ideas or common interests but a call that was made by God God has called, and therefore is one in all his accomplishments. The unity of God creates the unity of the Church in all places where it is.
disclosed and support!
major excommunication to the Savoy
Launched by Pope Pius IX on March 26, 1860
I declare that all those who have perpetrated the heinous rebellion in the provinces of the Papal States, and their usurpation, occupation and invasion and other things of which I made speeches lawsuit in Mantua, or have made some such things, as well as their principals, supporters, helpers, advisers, members or others who have, who procured under any pretext and in any way the execution of the above things, or have the same done to themselves, have committed a major excommunication, and the other complaints and penalties Church imposed by the sacred canons, the apostolic constitutions, and decrees of general councils, and if it needs them anew repudiated and anathematized. Likewise declare, they have also incurred thereby to the penalties and the loss of all privileges of any Sians thanks and pardons granted to them in any way by my predecessors, Popes, and Eglin could not be acquitted and set free from such complaints BY NOBODY and moreover being Eglin incapacitated and unable to achieve the benefit of absolution, so long as they have publicly withdrawn, revoked, quashed and abolished all the attacks committed in any way, and restored everything fully and effectively in the state of the first, paid or otherwise due condegna and satisfaction in the things above to the Church and this Holy See, but that will always be those things and are obliged to achieve similar power to the benefit of absolution. A command that copies of the same letters also printed and signed by the hand of some public notary and bearing the seal of any person consisting of ecclesiastical dignity, pay the same faith in all places and in all nations, both in court, as outside it, which would lend itself to present them, if they were exhibited or shown. Given in Rome at St. Under Peter the Fisherman's ring on March 26, 1860 the fourteenth year of his pontificate.
Pope Pius IX for the truth!
There was a passage in the inaugural lecture of Bagnasco recently picked up by newspapers, on "a certain look secular the Church "and" partiality ol'ostinazione certain judgments "against which the Church is not always considered to intervene. Why this step, and what he was referring in particular Bagnasco?