Monday, September 22, 2008

Brazilian Restaurant Cincinnati

Keynote Address by Cardinal Bagnasco
President of the Episcopal Conference, Keynote Address to the Permanent Council of the Italian Bishops' Conference
September 22, 2008 indicates a basic text for our times, directions to the Catholics. Read the mind and heart!

Vatican II

2. In the process of self-consciousness of the Church decisively proved the concept of communion, which in turn expresses the unique union that is all the members of the same body, the Mystical Body of Christ. The Second Vatican Council has found the key to a renewal of Catholic ecclesiology, which was gradually revived and clarified by the subsequent papal teaching, in addition to the extraordinary Synod of 1985, and in some setups of the Congregation for the Doctrine of faith (see especially Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of the Church as Communion, May 28, 1992). Freedom of religion

In paragraph 4 reads:

... That's why we would like the political class as part of the intellectuals and the public, was given a new, vigorous attention to the issue of religious freedom as the cornerstone of civilization and human rights as a guarantee of genuine pluralism and true democracy. Perhaps, in light of recent events, Alexis de Tocqueville has no reason to assert that 'despotism does not need religion, freedom and democracy do' (in Democracy in America, I, 9)? Religious freedom in fact is not an option more or less kindly granted by the state to those citizens most insistent, nor a concession paternalistically reflects the principle of tolerance. Rather, it is the cornerstone of liberty ...

online all the full text, see also link in our


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