Church of St. Joseph Hospital - Piacenza
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One hundred and fifty people in the hospital chapel for the exorcist of Parma
"The Gospel casts out the devil '
" Today, through the media and television, are presented bad interpretations of today's society, our imagination becomes so flooded with what the devil is in the world. Must exorcise it. How? Listening to good things, looking at beautiful things. In many homes there is not a religious image, a sacred context, how can I be helped to exorcise his own fantasy?, "It is the sense of the presence of Don Pedro Viola, exorcist of Parma, yesterday in the church of San Joseph Hospital, among the saturated air of incense, the long line at the center of the aisle to the anointing of the sick, the final prayer of healing. They were about 150 people who responded to yesterday's Don Virgilio Zuffada, pastor of the church hospital Piacenza. With the permission of the bishop and pastors, organized a series of healing Masses every last Thursday of the month. The side of "evil" of suffering was addressed yesterday by Don Viola. "I work with the mentally ill and the possessed - his debut - but all of us are able to do the work of exorcism. When the priest explains the Gospel hunting the demon from the mind of the faithful. The devil is contrary to the truth of the Gospel and if you read the Gospel and our minds are enlightened, is exorcised. "

From left, Pedro Viola, who was appointed in 2007 the exorcist Diocese of Parma and Don Virgilio Zuffada, pastor of St. Joseph Hospital in solid
photos Cravedi
article and photo from the newspaper of Freedom October 31, 2008
article and photo from the newspaper of Freedom October 31, 2008
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