MASSONI S-brecciated at Porta Pia
the excommunication of Pius IX is very valid!
September 20 recommends the books against the liberal-Masonic and anti-Catholic ideas, to refute the relativist as a lamb in the wolf.
editions ARES
What is Freemasonry? A charitable association, or occult power center? Pursues the good of humanity or, in the name of beautiful ideals (brotherhood, equality, science and progress), combines limitless power in his hands? When Masons speak of morality, refer to the commonly defined as such, or a set of rules elaborated in the revolutionary secret of the lodges and to be taken up by the entire humanity? When Masons speak of freedom, have in mind respect for the freedom of everybody else, or denying the natural law and the distinction between good and evil, in fact deplete the people, deprived of will, to a mass of other-directed? Catholic Church and Masons have always been on opposite sides and, beyond the propaganda, irreconcilable. The author promises to shed light on the masonry by resorting to modern papal teaching considerations illustrated with historical documents. The voice of Papi resonates well in all its relevance, depth and profeticità. "Freemasonry is an enemy of the Church," Bishop points out.
Luigi Negri, bishop of San Marino and Montefeltro in the Preface, "is born with this enmity and pursues the realization of this enmity with the destruction of the Church and Christian civilization and replace it with a culture and a essentially atheistic society, even when referring to the architect of the universe "(p. 320).
Angela Pellicciari, history of the Renaissance, published by Ares Risorgimento also be rewritten. Liberals & Masons against the Church (2007). His other books are: The other Risorgimento (Piemme, 2000); The dirty laundry of a Thousand (Liberal Foundation, 2003), anti-Catholic Risorgimento (Piemme, 2004).
The unity of Italy was sewn at the expense of the Church. The historical process of unification since 1848 the '61 was held in conjunction with a veritable war of religion conduct in the parliament of Turin - which sit between the Liberals Masons - against the Catholic Church. Liberals abolished all religious orders of the state church, stripped of all the 57,492 people who have them up, suppress the 24,166 charities, leaving more than 100 dioceses without bishops, clergy to impose an obligation to sing the Te Deum for the 'moral order reached, forbid the publication of papal encyclicals, they pretend to be administered the sacraments despite the excommunication, and, as usual, we proclaim cattolici.Perché? Why the State of Savoy, said constitutional and liberal, leader of the Risorgimento movement fierce parliamentary sessions devoted to the suppression of religious orders? With such ideological reasons, moral, political and legal? Based on an impressive body of original sources, Angela Pellicciari shows that hitting the Church's temporal power was intended to destroy the spiritual significance. Of the traditional nineteenth century remains a tortured, some daring, much less romantic, which opens to a fuller understanding of the difficulties encountered to date in the evolution of our national identity (p. 336).
Angela Pellicciari, history of the Risorgimento, is publishing with Ares even Popes & Masonry (2007). Other volumes already in the library are: The other Risorgimento (Piemme, 2000); The dirty laundry of a Thousand (Liberal Foundation, 2003), anti-Catholic Risorgimento (Piemme, 2004).
book by Antonio Socci
The anti-Catholic dictatorship told by Antonio Socci
How much it cost in lives, in money, destruction, freedom and democracy, the conquest of Piedmont Italy ? It was inevitable? There were better ways, and above all could have been another way that discriminated against the Catholic Church? These questions and others trying to answer the journalist and essayist Antonio Socci in book "The dictatorship of anti-Catholic" (Sugarco Editions, 246 pages, 18 euros).
You talk about anti-Catholic dictatorship. Could you explain why?
Antonio Socci: a military operation that removes thousands of monasteries, convents and abbeys. A system that sacrifices human lives in the fratricidal conflict, a regime that seeks to imprison eight hundred bishops and cardinals and preventing freedom of the press. A simulacrum of democracy, where in reality there are only 1 percent of the population and 99% of the people and the Catholic peasant is not represented, maintained in complete irrelevance and misery. If this is not an anti-Catholic dictatorship, what is it?
read everything on the site
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major excommunication to the Savoy
Launched by Pope Pius IX on March 26, 1860
I declare that all those who have perpetrated the heinous rebellion in the provinces of the Papal States, and their usurpation, occupation and invasion and other things of which I made speeches lawsuit in Mantua, or have made some such things, as well as their principals, supporters, helpers, advisers, members or others who have, who procured under any pretext and in any way the execution of the above things, or have the same done to themselves, have committed a major excommunication, and the other complaints and penalties Church imposed by the sacred canons, the apostolic constitutions, and decrees of general councils, and if it needs them anew repudiated and anathematized. Likewise declare, they have also incurred thereby to the penalties and the loss of all privileges of any Sians thanks and pardons granted to them in any way by my predecessors, Popes, and Eglin could not be acquitted and set free from such complaints BY NOBODY and moreover being Eglin incapacitated and unable to achieve the benefit of absolution, so long as they have publicly withdrawn, revoked, quashed and abolished all the attacks committed in any way, and restored everything fully and effectively in the state of the first, paid or otherwise due condegna and satisfaction in the things above to the Church and this Holy See, but that will always be those things and are obliged to achieve similar power to the benefit of absolution. A command that copies of the same letters also printed and signed by the hand of some public notary and bearing the seal of any person consisting of ecclesiastical dignity, pay the same faith in all places and in all nations, both in court, as outside it, which would lend itself to present them, if they were exhibited or shown. Given in Rome at St. Under Peter the Fisherman's ring on March 26, 1860 the fourteenth year of his pontificate.
Pope Pius IX for the truth!
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