Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wrestling Singlets In Store

Women's Day is celebrated at the Certosa di Padula the March 8, 2011

Superintendence for Architectural Heritage
AND LANDSCAPE of Salerno and Avellino

The monument del Vallo di Diano derogated customary closing Tuesday, March 8
Women's Day is celebrated at the Certosa di Padula
The BAP Superintendent of Salerno and Avellino, directed by Gennaro Miccio, offers free admission to all women

At Woman's Day, scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 2011, the Superintendence BAP of Salerno and Avellino derogated customary closing the Certosa di Padula and allow free entry to all women. The initiative to keep open the monument during the closing day, was wanted by new Superintendent, Gennaro Miccio, who found the membership (albeit at the last minute, ed) of almost all staff in the Certosa ready to recall the weekly rest at a later date. The monument is open from 9:00 / 20:00 (last admission at 19.00).

MiBAC (Ministry of Heritage and Culture) by joining the International Women's Day, will celebrate the binomial Women and Art: a combination of inspiration for painters, sculptors, musicians and all those who for centuries have identified a female figure inspiration for their work. They are also many women who could and managed to express, in person, his artistic talent, overcoming prejudices and social barriers.
Today, the role of women in contemporary society is an increasingly more prominent in the debate social and cultural life of our country. It 's a very topical issue which is often multi-faceted risk of being subject to easy manipulation.
To promote knowledge of the artistic expressions related to this issue, present state of art in many places, MiBAC is paying homage, offering the ' free admission to all women on this day.
More information on the website of the Superintendence of Salerno and Avellino www.ambientesa.beniculturali.it BAP / info 089 2573241 / Fax 089 318120 Michele Faiella (Press Office) and mail-SBAP sa.stampa @ beniculturali.it - For more information: places and events www.beniculturali.it - \u200b\u200bNo. 800 1999 11 99 - MiBAC is also on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter
Dr. Michele Faiella


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