Friday, October 31, 2008
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"The Gospel casts out the devil '
" Today, through the media and television, are presented bad interpretations of today's society, our imagination becomes so flooded with what the devil is in the world. Must exorcise it. How? Listening to good things, looking at beautiful things. In many homes there is not a religious image, a sacred context, how can I be helped to exorcise his own fantasy?, "It is the sense of the presence of Don Pedro Viola, exorcist of Parma, yesterday in the church of San Joseph Hospital, among the saturated air of incense, the long line at the center of the aisle to the anointing of the sick, the final prayer of healing. They were about 150 people who responded to yesterday's Don Virgilio Zuffada, pastor of the church hospital Piacenza. With the permission of the bishop and pastors, organized a series of healing Masses every last Thursday of the month. The side of "evil" of suffering was addressed yesterday by Don Viola. "I work with the mentally ill and the possessed - his debut - but all of us are able to do the work of exorcism. When the priest explains the Gospel hunting the demon from the mind of the faithful. The devil is contrary to the truth of the Gospel and if you read the Gospel and our minds are enlightened, is exorcised. "

article and photo from the newspaper of Freedom October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
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Halloween is no longer news. As a matter of fact, even in Italy. As if there ever was. Instead, it appears, at least as a cultural phenomenon, not more than seven years ago. But no one asks why more cobwebs, skulls and pumpkins invade the windows of all kinds of shops at the end of October. "Basically it's just a harmless party" is the answer we give acquiescent.
should be promoted, first, a series of proactive and positive attitudes that mean for the Christian witness even before the challenge. A first step is knowledge and information to live consciously these true signs of the times. The sudden imposition of a mass phenomenon as Halloween can not pass under the attention of all as if nothing had happened, unless it has been mired in resignation. We must have the courage to ask questions, but also to make them: try to ask what is celebrated on Halloween, or because it is celebrated in Italy: get the most diverse, stammering responses. Offer alternatives
The second approach that should encourage those involved in catechesis is reproduce the value of the solemnity of All Saints , in an eschatological renewed catechesis on the mysteries of the Christian faith. The liturgy prepares us for the commemoration of the faithful departed, celebrating the communion of the whole Church - those who pilgrims, those who purify themselves and those who already contemplate God - reminding us of the common vocation to holiness. So the solemnity of All Saints should be revived in its first meaning Church, Lumen Gentium 49 points as: "All those who belong to Christ, in fact, have his Spirit form one Church and are joined together in him (cf. Eph 4:16). The union of those who are walking with his brothers died in the peace of Christ is not broken, in fact, according to the constant faith of the Church, strengthened by a communion of spiritual goods. "
This fraternity is a listing of indestructible hope more liberating than exorcism afterlife: on the night he gives Halloween loose our inner ghosts, the Church invites us to meditate not on death but life eternal. Back to contemplate the ultimate horizon of our life is the encouragement we need to dispel demons and fears.
The last pastoral care is to be implemented for children, because Halloween makes its involuntary protagonists. Here the role of parents is irreplaceable: as teachers or catechists can help them, it is their responsibility to accompany their children to a gradual awareness of peace, but naked, with the mystery of death. One way is certainly visiting their loved ones to the cemetery , telling their lives to the children if they have not been known, perhaps with the help of their photographs. Teach us to pray for the dead with quiet confidence is the best way to develop a Christian vision of the afterlife, life, felt, integrated at the level of affection. To encourage Finally, children's relationship with the elderly and grandparents in a special way.
Paolo Pegoraro
excerpt from the magazine Pastoral Life October 10, 2005
Editrice San Paolo
Monday, October 20, 2008
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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The Holy Father's words are essential
In a period in which you want to do a great cauldron of the Christian life enriched, even in good faith by the faithful with the ideas of Catholicism do-it-yourself is good to go back and listen to the Word of the Magisterium, love it and put it into practice!
The Holy Father in the Audience of Wednesday, October 15 reiterated that:
The Church is not meeting human, born from ideas or common interests but a call that was made by God God has called, and therefore is one in all his accomplishments. The unity of God creates the unity of the Church in all places where it is.
read the entire Catechism of Pope
Saturday, October 11, 2008
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the excommunication of Pius IX is very valid!

The anti-Catholic dictatorship told by Antonio Socci
How much it cost in lives, in money, destruction, freedom and democracy, the conquest of Piedmont Italy ? It was inevitable? There were better ways, and above all could have been another way that discriminated against the Catholic Church? These questions and others trying to answer the journalist and essayist Antonio Socci in book "The dictatorship of anti-Catholic" (Sugarco Editions, 246 pages, 18 euros).
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major excommunication to the Savoy
Launched by Pope Pius IX on March 26, 1860
I declare that all those who have perpetrated the heinous rebellion in the provinces of the Papal States, and their usurpation, occupation and invasion and other things of which I made speeches lawsuit in Mantua, or have made some such things, as well as their principals, supporters, helpers, advisers, members or others who have, who procured under any pretext and in any way the execution of the above things, or have the same done to themselves, have committed a major excommunication, and the other complaints and penalties Church imposed by the sacred canons, the apostolic constitutions, and decrees of general councils, and if it needs them anew repudiated and anathematized. Likewise declare, they have also incurred thereby to the penalties and the loss of all privileges of any Sians thanks and pardons granted to them in any way by my predecessors, Popes, and Eglin could not be acquitted and set free from such complaints BY NOBODY and moreover being Eglin incapacitated and unable to achieve the benefit of absolution, so long as they have publicly withdrawn, revoked, quashed and abolished all the attacks committed in any way, and restored everything fully and effectively in the state of the first, paid or otherwise due condegna and satisfaction in the things above to the Church and this Holy See, but that will always be those things and are obliged to achieve similar power to the benefit of absolution. A command that copies of the same letters also printed and signed by the hand of some public notary and bearing the seal of any person consisting of ecclesiastical dignity, pay the same faith in all places and in all nations, both in court, as outside it, which would lend itself to present them, if they were exhibited or shown. Given in Rome at St. Under Peter the Fisherman's ring on March 26, 1860 the fourteenth year of his pontificate.
Pope Pius IX
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Monday, October 6, 2008
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Open the Synod of Bishops
is a short step of the words of Msgr. Ravasi, as always to everyone the personal investigation.
commitment to "RECLAIMING 'BIBLE
there who has patiently counted: 305,441 words are the original Hebrew (and Aramaic in small part) of the Old Testament, more than 421,000 if you count the particles added to those words, while 138,013 are Greek words that make up the New Testament. Around this small sea-text Bible said, the books for excellence, has expanded a boundless ocean of comments, homilies, meditations, and even deformation of sarcastic criticism. Yet those words continue to "disturb and consular all human situations," as saying that great genius who was a believer and Pascal.
Now back again to resound and even to provoke, and not just because a crowd of 1,300 people, most diverse, from tonight to proclaim its entirety in the heart of Rome and from television screens for a whole week, day and night, almost like barbs or staples to be planted in the sewage and chatter (the image is an perplexing biblical sage, the Qohelet). They will return to animate those words above the Synod of Bishops, in the knowledge that it is time to shake the numbness, like a fog, discolor the force of the Scriptures that hold within them a transcendent Word, the very voice of God
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