Thursday, September 25, 2008

Due On Period But Only Discharge

September 20
for Masons and anti-clerical
good stuff ...
Ladies and gentlemen, this bill will restore the national holiday of September 20th. Until the advent of fascism on September 20 was celebrated as a day of national unity. With the fall of Rome, 20 September 1870, the Roman Church lost its temporal power and Italy became a nation. The breach of Porta Pia was the work of the shooters, who made the first cannon shot fired by a lieutenant jew to avoid excommunication by Pope Pius IX, who had fired first. Then the unitary state was founded on secular and liberal bases, then run over by a fascist dictatorship, which is not abolished by chance in this holiday treat, and as a corollary of the Lateran Pacts of 1929. By an Act of 1930, then not only the fascist regime outlawed the celebrations of September 20 but introduced the anniversaries of the March on Rome and the foundation beams of fighting as national holidays and the anniversary of the Lateran Pacts between the solemnity civilians. Currently recur verifiable risks of religious fundamentalism and intrusion into the sphere of autonomy of the state. Repeat the festivities of September 20 means to recover the collective memory of a founding date for our nation (in fact celebrated with the presence in almost every Italian city of streets and squares in central areas devoted to it) and at the same time reject all forms of fundamentalism . It means, in short, to reaffirm the secular state that, as such, must be everyone's and reaffirm that freedom of religion is above all an individual right that the Constitution guarantees to every person of any creed. ART. 1 From 2003, the celebration of the Italian Risorgimento again on 20 September of each year, and therefore it is restored as a public holiday. ART. The two streets, squares and any other place named after the twentieth anniversary of September are subject to a protected cultural and historical.
Franco Grillini (DS) Katia Bellillo (PdCI) Valdo Spini (DS) Dawn Stone (DS) Joan Grignaffini (DS) Fulvia Bandol (DS) Titti De Simone (PRC) Tiziana Valpiana (PRC ) Electra Deiana (PRC) Enzo Bianco (Margherita) Franca Bimbi (Margherita) Luana Zanella (Greens) Laura Cima (Green) Lion (Verdi) Bulgarelli (Greens) Carlo Rognoni (DS) Pino Petrella (DS) Alfiero Grandi (DS) Giorgio Panattoni ( DS) John Lolli (DS) Giorgio Bogi (DS) Maura Cossutta (PdCI) Giuliano Pisapia (PRC) Italo Sandi (DS) Gabriella Pistone (PdCI) Rugg (DS)
(note the signatories of the proposal)

amarelachiesa. blog NO Comment on this bill
thankfully follows the text below
disclosed and support!
major excommunication to the Savoy
Launched by Pope Pius IX on March 26, 1860
I declare that all those who have perpetrated the heinous rebellion in the provinces Papal State, and their usurpation, occupation and invasion, and the like, which I did in Mantua Speeches lawsuit, or have made some such things, as well as their sponsors, supporters, helpers, counselors, or other members which are, that have brought under any pretext and in any way the execution of the above things, or to have the same self-made, have committed a major excommunication, and the other complaints and ecclesiastical penalties imposed by the sacred canons, the apostolic constitutions, and decrees of general councils, and if it needs them anew repudiated and anathematized. Likewise declare, they have thereby committed itself equally to all the pains of loss and any Sians privileges due to them in any way and pardons granted by my predecessors, Popes, and Eglin could not be acquitted and set free from such complaints BY NOBODY ; and Eglin also be disabled and unable to achieve the benefit of absolution, so long as they have publicly withdrawn, revoked, quashed and abolished all the attacks in any way committed, and restored everything fully and effectively in the state of the first, paid or otherwise due and condegna satisfaction in the things above to the Church and this Holy See, but that will always be those things and are obliged to achieve a similar power benefit of absolution. A command that copies of the same letters also printed and signed by the hand of some public notary and bearing the seal of any person consisting of ecclesiastical dignity, pay the same faith in all places and in all nations, both in court or outside it, which would lend itself to present them, if they were exhibited or shown. Given in Rome at St. Under Peter the Fisherman's ring on 26 March 1860 Fourteenth year pontificate.
Pope Pius IX

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How To Replace Batteries Inova Micrilight

Urge read this article on the site of

Church under attack, not is new, but ...
Some people expect that whenever one of these items express the Church in its official intervention. Bagnasco said no to this, pointing out that we are facing a sort of repetition of these attacks, which have for some time now, nothing particularly new and original. We are repeating formulas a bit anti-Christian 'DISCOUNT ("ossified", said Bagnasco), and who do not deserve answers each time.
An excerpt:

There was a passage in the inaugural lecture of Bagnasco recently picked up by newspapers, on "a certain look secular the Church "and" partiality ol'ostinazione certain judgments "against which the Church is not always considered to intervene. Why this step, and what he was referring in particular Bagnasco?

I also wondered if there were specific references, there are probably, but the text of the lecture is not so as to make clear to say for sure what these interventions. Certainly there is a general climate that is a sort of fairly constant hammering by secular voices in the media and books attacking the Church front enough. Some people expect that whenever one of these items express the Church in its official intervention. Bagnasco said no to this, pointing out that we are facing a sort of repetition of these attacks, which have for some time now, there is nothing particularly new and original. We are repeating formulas a bit anti-Christian 'DISCOUNT ("ossified", said Bagnasco), and who do not deserve answers each time.

few concrete example can be done?

If you want an example, there is no doubt that the output series of volumes of Conrad Augias before Jesus Inquest and Inquiry into Christianity today are part of this attack, the atheist cried out, and certainly heavy with Piergiorgio Odifreddi is another of these attacks, some insistent line of a newspaper as the Republic is also part of the same scope. These are the main situation that allegedly led Bagnasco to do this sort of general clarification. Plus a clarification that denotes a degree of calm in the end by of the hierarchical Church against this offensive.

Solaraze Gell Roseaca

POPE Benedict XVI's General Audience of Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our faith is not born from a myth or a ' idea, but the encounter with the Risen Christ, the Church's life

"Our faith is not born from a myth or an idea, but the encounter with the Risen Lord in the life of the Church." With these words the Pope's catechesis today concluded the general audience, held in Piazza San Peter the presence of about 15 000 people dedicated to the "relationship" between St. Paul and the apostles "who preceded him in following Jesus," who attended and "consulted" during the three years that followed the episode of the conversion on the road of Damascus. "The more we try to trace the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth on the roads of Galilee - said Benedict XVI, the more we can understand that he has taken charge of our humanity, sharing in everything except in sin." A conviction which is personally experienced and witnessed by Paul himself, in the 'importance' which he attributed the "living tradition of the Church." In this perspective, the Holy Father pointed out, is "mistaken is the view of those who attribute to Paul the invention of Christianity: the first to evangelize, he met Christ on the road to Damascus and attended the Church, observing the lives of twelve people in that followed on the roads of Galilee. " "The resurrection of Christ until this affects the existence of believers," because Christ is risen and continues to live in the Eucharist and the Church. "

© Copyright Sir

On the web the full text, for Catholics

Monday, September 22, 2008

Brazilian Restaurant Cincinnati

Keynote Address by Cardinal Bagnasco
President of the Episcopal Conference, Keynote Address to the Permanent Council of the Italian Bishops' Conference
September 22, 2008 indicates a basic text for our times, directions to the Catholics. Read the mind and heart!

Vatican II

2. In the process of self-consciousness of the Church decisively proved the concept of communion, which in turn expresses the unique union that is all the members of the same body, the Mystical Body of Christ. The Second Vatican Council has found the key to a renewal of Catholic ecclesiology, which was gradually revived and clarified by the subsequent papal teaching, in addition to the extraordinary Synod of 1985, and in some setups of the Congregation for the Doctrine of faith (see especially Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of the Church as Communion, May 28, 1992). Freedom of religion

In paragraph 4 reads:

... That's why we would like the political class as part of the intellectuals and the public, was given a new, vigorous attention to the issue of religious freedom as the cornerstone of civilization and human rights as a guarantee of genuine pluralism and true democracy. Perhaps, in light of recent events, Alexis de Tocqueville has no reason to assert that 'despotism does not need religion, freedom and democracy do' (in Democracy in America, I, 9)? Religious freedom in fact is not an option more or less kindly granted by the state to those citizens most insistent, nor a concession paternalistically reflects the principle of tolerance. Rather, it is the cornerstone of liberty ...

online all the full text, see also link in our