CESENATICO - Bridge on November 1 . It only David and friends of the Bergamasco. All others (5 / 2) are parties ... to achieve a rate Cesenatico. The first two crews, and Marco Claudio were no longer in the skin (as there were after the sumptuous eat that below) and have already started on Friday evening as a step aiming Faenza. Arrived in the park (or alleged) presence disreputable may want to try other places. Said than done. Did you remember of the parking area of \u200b\u200bSalsomaggiore some ten kilometers where the two crews were left to a healthy well-earned rest. Morning departure to Bicester for assault on the cheese shop and outlets. Li arrived Francis who has covered the distance in record time just to reach friends. In the afternoon, muzzles pointed at Ravenna where we arrived in time for a quick visit to the city. Soon after he arrived Maurilio. Great after dinner with outdoor bar table and chairs, now imitated by other campers. Now the proposal to Claudio but not to stay in Ravenna in Cesenatico we head to grab the best seats in the camp. At one o'clock on Thursday to bed all the beautiful and super cheap camp in Cesenatico. Friday: fish! For obvious. After a long walk to the train timetable steal the gang set off for Igea Marina to visit old friends of Manuela and Marco, just happened to run a nice little restaurant near the beach. The photos speak for themselves. Great feast of fish. After a walk on the beach, return by train to Cesenatico. Cute little fellow travelers found on train that have trimmed their bullying attitudes thanks to the strong and determined team of campers ........
Saturday morning departure to the Center of Cesenatico. Moments of panic for the long queue formed behind the first eateries. After long thoughts, it was decided to go to the colony AGIP. Perfect choice for both the near-absence of queues for the excellent level of the menus offered. tremble libation we've had the happy idea of \u200b\u200bgoing back on foot along the 6 km that separated us from the campsite. The healthy walk along the sea (where they were parked in an infinite number of campers) has been repeatedly interrupted by a coffee break, break ice, break and break piadina sauce! Yes, you read that right, pause seasoning. Maurilio has found a sauce for spaghetti made with chilli, basil and garlic. Guess what happened in the evening. Thanks to the clemency of the weather megatavolata outside the camper. Every family has its share of prepared spaghetti and Maurilio is also used for seasoning. Once put on the table the different courses we wondered .... where were over 300 other guests (if they could feed many). E 'advanced only a seed of Mandarin. Sunday
return to their homes with the anguish of the end of the lovely holiday but with a new consapevolenzza. Bienvenue à bord the group grows in number and in quality. Until next time!
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