The downside Author: Bernardo Cervellera Subtitle: China and the Olympics
Theme: Faith and Culture
Collection: Borders
Pages: 240
Price: € .14,00 - Code ISBN: 978-88-514-0569-4
S eight auspicious number "8", which in China is the lucky number, the Beijing Olympics will be inaugurated on 8 August 2008 at 8 pm,
going to cover a series of violence and oppression that took place during their preparation. P er China the Olympics will be a kind of big advertising showcase to dazzle the international community, to show the world that the Middle Kingdom has become a modern country, an economic superpower and athletics. M every great showcase has its back room the Beijing Olympics and also have their dark sides, so much so that the people of Beijing Olympics defines a "national disaster". This book shows the exploitation of children to prepare for the Olympic mascots, the destructions and seizures of homes to create stage drugs; the gagging of journalists, democracy activists, religious figure, to "manage" this great event of 2008.
T ll forget that while the West applauds the show, helping to drop the veil of silence.
Q hese pages are a guide to face the true reality of China and to help the Chinese people. divulge the book!